Man with cystic fibrosis becomes a champion BODYBUILDER

Man with cystic fibrosis becomes a champion BODYBUILDER

A man battling cystic fibrosis has managed to control his illness by becoming a champion bodybuilder - despite risking his life every time he lifts weights. James Boudreau has a lung capacity of just 48 per cent and sleeps with an oxygen mask at night to prevent him from contracting life threatening lung infections. But the 29-year-old, who is nicknamed ‘The Miracle’, made it his life goal to become a champion bodybuilder after doctors told him he could be dead within two years if he didn’t have a lung transplant.

U of S research discovery holds potential benefit for cystic fibrosis sufferers

U of S research discovery holds potential benefit for cystic fibrosis sufferers

University of Saskatchewan researchers working at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) synchrotron on campus have developed a new imaging technique that reveals a hitherto unknown component of the immune system in the lungs, one that promises insights that could benefit cystic fibrosis patients.